You may have heard of TikTok, the viral video-sharing social networking service that saw its popularity skyrocket during the pandemic. If you only take a cursory glance at the platform, it may not initially seem like a worthwhile venture to pursue and market your brand, as it’s seemingly packed with silly videos of dancing, filters, and the latest social media challenge.
TikTok content is limited only by your vision, however, which means a brief how-to, explanatory, or even news videos can be done easily. Maintaining an element of creativity and fun is fundamental. Plenty of accounts concentrate on topics such as education, information, campaigning, and promotion in professional spaces such as the media, corporate and more.
For example, The Washington Post has a TikTok account (@washingtonpost) and its videos have over twenty million likes. The World Economic Forum (@worldeconomicforum) is another example. Its account has over a million followers and its videos concentrate on topics such as useful facts and statistics and even more sensitive topics like racial inequality in a brief, accessible way.
This update is by Top of Mind, a Miami public relations firm. We are a seasoned team with vast experience across the United States and the Americas in top-tier newsrooms, broadcast studios, social media agencies, and public relations firms. We are committed to being educated and up-to-date on federal, state, and local legal issues, attentive to conflicts of interest, acutely mindful of the time pressures of our customers, and, most critically, vigilant in showcasing the importance of putting you as the top of mind. Please call 305-726-5848 for more information on our South Florida public relations firm.