
Using LinkedIn Stories Correctly

While social media services like Instagram and Facebook have had the Stories feature for a while, one of the more recent platforms to adopt it is the business and employment-oriented LinkedIn. Since it’s geared to professionals, the following tips can help with using LinkedIn Stories properly.

Although LinkedIn Stories works almost identical to Instagram at its core by showing information for 24 hours, most of the parallels stop there. It’s crucial that you adapt it for your audience, who should mainly be professionals, when designing your content. In addition, your personal LinkedIn stories can be seen by anyone regardless of whether or not they are followers. You do not want your manager, or consumers, to see everything you share on Instagram Posts, so make sure your Stories content doesn’t reflect you in a way you wouldn’t like.

Depending on the message you trying to convey via LinkedIn Stories, keep in mind that the service’s demographics skew a little older and there are still plenty of people using desktops to access the service. Stories are mobile-friendly only for the time being so make sure that whatever Stories content you’re sharing serves as a way to complement your existing content.

This update is by Top of Mind, a Miami PR firm. We are a seasoned team with vast experience across the United States and the Americas in top-tier newsrooms, broadcast studios, social media agencies, and public relations firms. We are committed to being educated and up-to-date on federal, state, and local legal issues, attentive to conflicts of interest, acutely mindful of the time pressures of our customers, and, most critically, vigilant in showcasing the importance of putting you as the top of mind. Please call 305-726-5848 for more information on our South Florida public relations firm.

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